Friday, August 03, 2007

Black Tie & Blue Jeans Silent Auction

Red Wagon is involved in the first special event unveiling the brand new BCIT hangar in Richmond, BC! Here are the details:

Every dollar raised will go directly to the BCAC Scholarship and Bursary Fund, supporting the next generation within the aviation and aerospace industry. The evening will include a tantalizing dinner to delight the appetite, a jazz trio to create a relaxing atmosphere, and fantastic prizes and draws, including airfare for two to anywhere in the world, to inspire the imagination. Come take advantage of our live and silent auctions for your Christmas shopping – we will have over 300 exciting items to choose from! There will also be an amazing art sale hosted by Chali-Rosso, which will include 100 original art works featuring Salvador Dali, Picasso, and Chagall.

This is the annual must attend event for the BC aviation industry and we are excited to extend an invitation to YOU!

Seating is limited - buy your tickets today! Tickets may be purchased through the BCAC at, by phone (604) 278-9330.

AFP Membership

I forgot to mention this earlier - Red Wagon Management is now a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals! You can learn more about this amazing organization on their Web site: