Monday, September 25, 2006

The Start of Something Great!

Red Wagon Management is now in its final stages of development! Hurray!

For years I've dreamt of starting my own company and now, at last, the opportunity has presented itself. I've been involved in event planning for years, from non-profit to international corporate roadshows, and the part I love most about it is... the people. I love watching people smile, and I especially enjoy watching them laugh! When I'm involved in a successful event I get an unbelievable high (evidence that I'm built for this job - don't you think?). That euphoria comes as a result of all the teamwork, creativity, and decisions made; but, when people are smiling and laughing it means they're making memories and I love to be associated with great experiences.

That's what I think corporate events so often lack: memories. I believe that seminars, conferences, conventions, sales meetings, and training events should not only produce the expected outcome but the unexpected! My hope is that I'll be able to help my clients create a successful event that is full of wonderful memories (and come in under budget too - I also get a big kick out of that)!

I'm very excited about this opportunity and I look forward to working with (and for) some great people. -Corwin